OPD Treatment Under WBHS: List Of Disease, Download OPD Forms PDF

Under the West Bengal Health Scheme (WBHS), employees, pensioners, and their beneficiaries are already entitled to reimbursement for the cost of outpatient (OPD) treatment for specific diseases listed in Clause 7(1).

west bengal health scheme

List of Diseases under OPD Treatment in WBHS:

These following diseases are included for WBHS OPD Treatment:

  1. Malignant Diseases
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Hepatitis B/C and other Liver Diseases
  4. Type-1 Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
  5. Heart Diseases
  6. Neurological Disorders / Cerebrovascular Disorders
  7. Malignant Malaria
  8. Renal Failure
  9. Thalassaemia / Bleeding Disorders / Platelet Disorders
  10. Injuries Caused by Accidents (including Animal Bite)
  11. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  12. Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (LUPUS)
  13. Crohn’s Disease
  14. Endodontic Treatment (Root Canal Treatment)
  15. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  16. Ankylosing Spondylitis
  17. COVID-19

The new order clarifies that:

  1. Additional Disease Coverage: If a beneficiary has any of the diseases listed in Clause 7(1) or (2), they are also entitled to reimbursement for the treatment of any other related diseases.
  2. Prescription Requirements: To get the reimbursement, all the medicines, including supplements like vitamins and calcium, must be prescribed by the treating specialist in one prescription.
  3. Effective Date: The new rules apply from the date the order is issued.
Also Read: WBHS Cashless Hospital List

Reimbursement Claim Forms Under WBHS:

Introduction of revised physical Application Forms and also introduce online reimbursement claim forms of each category of the following:

  • Form-C1 [Reimbursement for cost of Out-Door Patient (OPD) treatment in Empanelled /Enlisted Hospital].
  • Form-C2 [Reimbursement for cost of In-Patient Department (IPD) treatment in Non-Empanelled Hospital].
  • Form-C3 [Reimbursement for cost of Cashless In-Patient Department (IPD) treatment in Empanelled Hospital].
  • Form-C4 [Reimbursement for cost of Non-Cashless In-Patient Department (IPD) treatment in Empanelled/Enlisted Hospital].
Download The Forms- Click Here

An Employees / Pensioner / Family Pensioner have to now submit the claim for reimbursement of expenditure incurred for treatment under WBHS in these revised forms only.

Official Order

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Medical Cell

No. 164-F(Med)WB Date: 06.11.2023

Sub: Clarification on OPD treatment under West Bengal Health Scheme (WBHS)

At present, an employee/pensioner or his/her beneficiary is entitled to reimbursement of the cost of medical attendance and treatment as an OPD patient in a hospital/institution in the following cases vide Clause 7(1) of West Bengal Health Scheme:

Here is the information presented in a table format:

Sl. No.Name of the DiseaseSl. No.Name of the Disease
1Malignant Diseases10Injuries Caused by Accidents (including Animal Bite)
2Tuberculosis11Rheumatoid Arthritis
3Hepatitis B/C and other Liver Diseases12Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (LUPUS)
4Type-1 Insulin-Dependent Diabetes13Crohn’s Disease
5Heart Diseases14Endodontic Treatment (Root Canal Treatment)
6Neurological Disorders / Cerebrovascular Disorders15Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
7Malignant Malaria16Ankylosing Spondylitis
8Renal Failure17COVID-19
9Thalassaemia / Bleeding Disorders / Platelet Disorders
List disease under wbhs OPD treatment

Various requests have been received by Medical Cell of this department from stakeholders for clarifications regarding treatment of OPD listed diseases as well as diseases /treatment/medical condition which are often co morbid or co terminus with the above listed OPD diseases.

After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor is pleased to clarify the following for improvement & betterment of medical management of OPD treatment under the WBHS:

If a beneficiary is detected with any of the diseases listed under Clause 7(1) & (2) of WBHS then he/she will also be entitled to reimbursement of the cost of medical attendance & treatment for any other disease(s), which may be required for better medical management and improving life expectancy of the said beneficiary. The beneficiary will get reimbursement of the entire cost of the OPD treatment for the disease(s) on the strength of diagnosis & admissibility being made under Clause 7(1) & (2) of WBHS provided that all the medicines (including Vitamins,Calcium etc.) are prescribed by the treating specialist in a single prescription.

This will take effect from the date of issuance of this order

By Order of the Governor,
(KA. Anwar, IAS)
Senior Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

Official Source: Click Here