West Bengal Government Departments

Departments list in West Bengal Government With Official Websites.

SL No.Name Of DepartmentOrders Of DepartmentOfficial Website
1AgricultureClick Here
2AG bengalClick Here
3Agriculture MarketingN.AN.A
4Animal Resources development departmentN.AN.A
5Chief Electoral Officer
6Backward classes welfare departmentClick Here
7Consumer AffairsClick Here
8Co-operation departmentClick Here
9Correctional AdministrationClick Here
10Disaster management and civil defenseClick Here
10.ADirectorate of civil defenseClick Here
11EnvironmentClick Here
12FinanceClick HereClick Here
13Fire and emergency servicesClick Here
14FisheriesClick Here
15Food and SuppliesClick Here
16Food processing industries and horticultureClick Here
17ForestClick Here
18Health and family welfareClick Here
19Higher EducationClick HereClick Here
19.AWBCHSEClick HereClick Here
20Home and Hill affairsClick Here
21HousingClick Here
22Information and cultural affairsN.A
23Information technology and electronicsClick Here
24Irrigation and waterwaysClick Here
25JudicialClick Here
26LabourClick Here
27Land and Land reformsClick Here
28Industry commerce and enterpriseClick Here
30Mass education and library serviceClick Here
31MSME & TClick Here
31.ADirectorate of MSMEClick Here
32Minority affairsClick Here
33Madrasha service commissionClick Here
34WB Minorities development and finance corpClick Here
35Non-conventional and renewable energy sourcesClick Here
35.AWBREDAClick Here
36North bengal developmentClick Here
37Panchayat and Rural developmentClick Here
38Parliamentary affairsClick Here
39Paschimanchal unnayan affairsN.A
40Personnel and administrative reformClick Here
41Planning / statisticsClick Here
42WB PowerClick Here
43Public enterprise and industrial reconstructionClick Here
44Public health engineeringClick Here
45Public WorksClick Here
46School educationClick Here
47WBBSEClick HereClick Here
48WBCHSEClick HereClick Here
48.AWBCHSE Council Click Here
49Science and technology and biotechnologyClick Here
50Self help group and self employmentClick Here
51Sundarban affairsClick Here
52Technical education, training and skill developmentClick Here
53TourismClick Here
53.AWb tourism development corpClick Here
54TransportClick Here
54.AWBTCClick Here
55Tribal developmentClick Here
56Urban development and municipal affairsClick Here
57Water resources investigation and developmentClick Here
58Women and child development and social welfareClick Here
59Youth services and sportClick Here
59.ASport WingClick Here
