Apollo Gleneagles Hospital Discontinued From West Bengal Health Scheme.

Empanelment Details of Apollo Hospital

  • Hospital Name: Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata
  • Code No.: 0411004
  • Scheme: West Bengal Health Scheme
  • Reference No.: 939-F(MED)WB
  • Date of Discontinuation: 21.10.2016

Reason For Discontinuation of Apollo Gleneagles Hospital


  • The hospital has been charging extra amounts from beneficiaries over and above the approved rates, contrary to the provisions of the Memorandum of Association between the Government and the HCO.

OPD Clinic Charges:

  • Doctors in the OPD clinic are reluctant to accept government-approved rates and charge much higher rates.
  • The difference between the approved rate for surgery and the surgeons’ claim is being realized from the beneficiaries.
Also Read: OPD Treatment Under WBHS: List Of Disease, Download OPD Forms PDF

Unnecessary Procedures:

  • The hospital has recommended unnecessary extra procedures and tests in several cases, contrary to the provisions of the agreement.

Costly Prescriptions:

  • The hospital frequently prescribes costly antibiotics and consumables without any justification.

Lack of Original Tax Invoices:

  • The hospital has not been providing original tax invoices for the implants used and has not submitted the same despite several requests from the Medical Cell and different government departments, causing much harassment to the beneficiaries.

WBHS Cashless Facility Issues:

  • The hospital has failed to provide a cashless facility to government employees and pensioners without assigning any valid reasons for the same.

Government Action

  • In view of the above issues, the Governor has discontinued the empanelment of Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata under the West Bengal Health for All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014, with immediate effect.
Also Read: West Bengal Health Scheme Cashless Hospital List: Comprehensive List

Official Order

Government of West Bengal!
Finance Department
Medical Cell

No.1755-F(H/MED) ————————————————————————— Date 23.03.2017


The Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata (Code no 0411004) is empanelled Health Care Organisation under West Bengal Health Scheme. For some times past Several Complaints / allegations of the following nature have been received by this department from different beneficiaries /departments against Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata.

Whereas it has been found on enquiry and on scrutiny of bills for medical reimbursement claims of beneficiaries who have been treated under West Bengal Health Scheme – 2008 at Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata (HCO) that the said HCO has been charging extra amount from the beneficiaries under the West Bengal Health Scheme over and above the approved rates which is contrary to the provisions of the Memorandum of Association reached between the Government and the HCO;

Whereas it has been found that Doctors of OPD clinic are reluctant to accept Government approved rate and charge much higher rate and the difference amount between the approved rate for surgery and the surgeons claim is realised from the beneficiaries;

Whereas it appears that the HCO recommended unnecessary extra procedures and tests in several cases which are contrary to the provision of the agreement;

Whereas the HCO has been prescribing costly antibiotics and consumables on most of the times without any justification

Whereas the HCO has not been providing Original Tax Invoices for the Implants used and also does not submit the same in spite of several request from the Medical Cell/ different government departments causing much harassment to the beneficiaries

Where is it appears that the Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata has failed to provide Cashless Facility to the Government Employees and Pensioners without assigning any valid reasons for the same.

In view of the above, the Governor is hereby pleased to discontinue with immediate effect empanellement of Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, vide No. 939-F(MED)WB, Dtd. 21.10.2016 under West Bengal Health For All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014.

By order of the Governor
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

Official Source: Click Here


Q: Which hospital’s empanelment has been discontinued under the West Bengal Health Scheme?

    • Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata (Code no. 0411004).

    Q: Why Apollo Gleneagles Hospital discontinued from WBHS?

      • A: The main complaints included overcharging beneficiaries, reluctance to accept government-approved rates by OPD doctors, recommending unnecessary procedures and tests, prescribing costly antibiotics and consumables without justification, not providing original tax invoices for implants, and failing to provide a cashless facility for government employees and pensioners.

      Q: What did the hospital do that was contrary to the provisions of the Memorandum of Association?

        • The hospital charged extra amounts from beneficiaries over and above the approved rates.

        Q: What issues were raised regarding the hospital’s prescribing practices?

          • The hospital frequently prescribed costly antibiotics and consumables without any justification.

          Q: What cashless facility issue did the Apollo hospital face?

            • The hospital failed to provide a cashless facility to government employees and pensioners without assigning any valid reasons.

            Q: What action had been taken against Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata?

              • By order of The Governor discontinued the empanelment of Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata under the West Bengal Health for All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014, with immediate effect.
              1. Q: When was the discontinuation of Apollo Gleneagles Hospital’s empanelment issued?
                • A: The discontinuation was issued on 21.10.2016.